Monday, September 26, 2011

Life Chain

Of the hundreds of laws given to the nation of Israel under the Old Covenant, here was Jesus' answer to a question as to which was the greatest commandment, "Love God with ALL your heart, and love your fellow human beings AS you love yourself" (Matthew 22:37-40). In fact, Jesus said that ALL of the laws given by Moses and ALL of the teachings given by the Prophets in the Old Testament were summarized in those two commandments. But, he simplified even more how we should live in Matt.7:12, "do to others what you would have them do to you, for this one command summarizes everything else you've been taught in the Law and by the Prophets."
I've read through the entire Bible thirteen times and it's very obvious that God values ALL life. It matters not the circumstances behind our conception, where we were born, the condition of the environment into which we were born, or whether we are of a sound mind or totally normal physically (Psalm 139:13-16). God is able to use EVERY situation and circumstance, and every person regardless of their social standing, their abilities, their family name, and more for His glory (Romans 8:28). It's hard for me to understand how anyone could knowingly take the life of another human being; unless it is to defend one's self, their family, someone else, or their country. I know this is hard for some people to understand, but God loves life so much, He commands that those responsible for murdering another human being must forfeit their own right to live (Gen.9:5&6; Exodus 21:12-14; Leviticus 24:17; Numbers 35:16-31).
The idea that someone can personally be opposed to abortion (which is the taking of innocent human life in what should be the safest of sanctuaries), but not be opposed to someone else taking a human life by abortion, is a position based more on being politically correct than it is based on moral and biblical truth. It is one thing to be personally opposed to wearing make-up or hairspray, or to personally be opposed to dancing, or to be personally opposed to taking vitamins and not be opposed to others who want to. But, there are some absolutes that are always wrong or always right. And God's view of life is absolute. He values life highly. God expects us to do the same.
October is "Respect Life" month. This Sunday, Christians from many churches will be uniting to silently pray for the unborn in cities all across the United States. In Marshalltown, registration begins at 1:00pm either at St. Henry's Church, the Church of the Nazarene, or the Redeemer Lutheran Church. At 2:00pm, we will form a chain starting at Center Street and Olive Street that stretches as far north on Center Street as we have people. For ONE hour, we will pray that our society sees the truth of this unconscienable murder, that women who have had abortions would find forgiveness and emotional healing in Jesus Christ, and that God would bring an end to abortion in America and around the world. Bring a lawn chair if you can't stand for an hour. Some who drive by honk their horns in support. Others share obscene gestures. Still others will change their minds because of our peaceful, prayerful, and silent witness. I hope you care enough about life to join me and other Christians this Sunday (October 2nd) in our Life Chain Prayer Vigil from 2-3pm.

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