Friday, January 22, 2010


It is a wise person who periodically examines their lives to make sure their words, actions, and motives reflect the person of Jesus Christ. There are many references in the Bible for such self-examination. When we come to participate in the Lord's Supper, the apostle Paul tells us we ought to examine ourselves before we eat of the bread and drink of the cup (I Corinthians 11:28). Other Bible references telling us to take a look at ourselves include: II Cor.13:5; Lamentations 3:40; Psalm 119:59; 139:23&24; Romans 12:3. Even Michael Jackson got it right when he said that making a difference in the world begins by taking "a look at yourself" ("Man in the Mirror"). But, it does us no good to examine ourselves if we aren't honest about what we see and disciplined in what we do, as a result.
A severe rash prompted a farmer from a very rural area to get an examination from a doctor. After taking the usual tests, the physician advised the patient that his dog was causing an allergic reaction and he would have to get rid of it. As the farmer was leaving the office, the doctor asked him whether he planned to sell the animal or give it away. "Neither," the man replied. "I'm going to get me one of them second opinions I been reading about. It's a lot easier to find a good doctor than it is to find a good bird dog."
Over the next two weeks, New Hope Christian Church is undergoing a self-examination and we need your help. Included in the bulletin is a website where you can take a test that lasts anywhere from 25-40 minutes. It's not a Bible quiz. It's more like a spiritual inventory. No one will know who gave what answers so we need you to be totally honest. Whether you attend New Hope irregularly or regularly,and whether you are a member or not, we need you to help us determine how well we are doing in making disciples of Jesus Christ and fulfilling our mission. If you don't have access to a computer or the Internet, call the office (752-1612) and we'll set up a time for you to come in and take it at the church. We'll share the overall results with you at a later time. As we continue with our sermon series for the year, entitled, "I Am Responsible.....", it is important that our church family take inventory so we know where we need to improve. In advance, thanks for your help!

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