Wednesday, August 15, 2012

Just Try It!

I want to share this article by R.T. Kendall in his book, entitled, Tithing: "Becoming a tither provides a definite breakthrough for every Christian. It unlocks the door of his mind, heart, and will. It releases. It emancipates. It frees. Becoming a tither is a milestone in a Christian's life.... There is a release from within that is very liberating and pleasant....This release is not only a feeling of peace and rest but a grace to do things with more vigor than ever before - - whether it be effectiveness on the job or understanding the Bible. In other words, tithing does something for you spiritually.....It does something for you that cannot be explained in terms of material return. It sets you on a course to become more than you have been - - more what God wants you to be, more of what you are naturally capable of being. Tithing is so essential to your development as a Christian that nothing will be it's adequate substitute. Why is this? Because tithing is as much a part of Christian gratitude and obedience as any commandment God ever gave. We are so made that until God has all of us, we are unhappy with ourselves. Augustine put it like this: 'Thou hast made us for Thyself; our hearts are restless until they find their rest in Thee.' We are made to respond graciously to God. This response, if it does not affect our checkbooks, is very minute indeed. Until we consistently, regularly, and faithfully tithe there is something defective about our Christian life that will not be remedied by any other form of Christian obedience. But, when that area of obedience is dealt with, the reward is wonderful indeed. Reward is possibly not the right word. It seems at first that the blessing should be called reward. But the time is likely to come that one sees the reward as tithing itself - - not the blessing that emerges from doing it, but merely doing it! At first we are like babies, or children, who need reinforcement and encouragement. But there is a stage in which a Christian doesn't even look at it that way. He thanks God for the privilege of tithing. Tithing, then, becomes it's own reward." SO, have you tried it?

What Separation?

If we say something often enough, even if it has absolutely no basis in fact, people who want to believe it, will believe it. In our nation's 236 year history, the United States Supreme Court has never found either the wording or the concept of the "separation of church and state" in our U.S. Constitution. A research of the context in which Thomas Jefferson used the phrase, "separation of church and state" in a letter he wrote, proves my point. Many Presidential proclamations, as well as quotations from U.S. Supreme Court justices further prove that our nation's leaders have either been ignorant of such a clause or it has never really existed. In truth, many Bible verses were used in writing the Declaration of Independence, the U.S. Constitution, and most of the State Constitutions. The very concept for our judicial, executive, and legislative branches of government came directly from Isaiah 33:22. The so-called "law" revoking the tax exempt status of non-profits violating this mythical clause did not exist until the 1950's. "Google" Lyndon Johnson and find out why. While some threaten evangelical and conservative Christian churches with losing their tax exempt status if they engage in campaign activities, no church has actually ever lost their tax exempt status. Why do these same people not complain or threaten to revoke the tax exempt status of churches where the Revs. Jesse Jackson, Al Sharpton, Jeremiah Wright, and others, use their pulpits to criticize government leaders, or tell people how to vote? Michelle Obama, recently addressed a church convention of 10,000 African Methodist Episcopal Church members with these words: "If anyone says the church is no place to talk about these issues, tell them there's no place better. Ultimately, these are not just political issues, but moral issues. They're issues that have to do with human dignity and human potential, and the future we want for our kids and grandkids!" After reading the entire speech, one can easily conclude that it was an obviously political speech delivered at a church convention. Did anyone tell the President's wife she shouldn't have brought politics into their convention? I actually support Mrs. Obama's Constitutional right to deliver a political message at a church convention. But, I also expect the same Constitutional right for every American, regardless of which part of the political spectrum they belong to.

Wednesday, April 11, 2012

Change You Can Believe In!

In the 2008 Presidential Campaign, candidate, Barack Obama, promised voters that he would deliver a, "Change You Can Believe In!" He has certainly delivered change in our country, but many debate whether it's the kind of change we want, need, or should believe in.
During the time of the Judges in Israel's history, the Jewish people would fall away from God, repent, and then ask God for a leader to deliver them. In time, God would grant their request, they would be set free and temporarily change, but later they would fall away from God again and set the whole cycle back in motion. This happened many times. They eventually came to the prophet, Samuel, and asked God to give them a king, so they could be like all the other nations around them. In spite of God's warnings otherwise, they continued in their request until God gave them what they asked for in a man named, Saul. Though he was physically built for the task ("he stood head and shoulders above anyone else"; I Sam.9:2; 10:23), Samuel was a rather insecure, shy, and unassuming individual (I Sam.9:21; ; 10:16,22). But, Samuel assured Saul with this promise from the Lord, "the Spirit of the Lord will come upon you with power, and will be changed into a different person" (I Sam. 10:6,9). Later, when the Ammonites threatened the Israelite city of Jabesh-gilead and and promised to spare the people of that city, only if they all agreed to have one of their eyes gouged out (I Sam.11:1&2), the people sent messengers throughout Israel to find someone who would help them. It was Saul who became righteously angry, summoned God's people to battle, and led the army of Israel in victory over the Ammonites. And while Saul started out in his reign by following and obeying the Lord, he later became stubborn and disobedient to the Lord and fell out of God's grace.
God promises you and I in the New Testament, "if anyone is in Christ, he/she is a new creation. The old has gone and the new has come" (II Cor.5:17). Only God can bring about a change in our individual lives, our marriages, our families, our churches, our communities, and our nation that we can TRULY believe in. "Now if you will fear and worship the Lord and listen to His voice, and if you do not rebel against the Lord's commands, and if you and your king follow the Lord your God, then all will be well. But if you rebel against the Lord's commands and refuse to listen to Him, then His hand will be heavy upon you as it was upon your ancestors" (I Sam. 12:14-16). There will be many who promise change for others, or promise to change themselves. But, only God can bring about REAL change that is from the heart, and REAL change that will last. Choose this day and every day to, "fear and worship the Lord and listen to His voice.....follow the Lord your God, then (and ONLY then) all will be well."

Friday, February 10, 2012

First Amendment Rights

While attacks upon Christianity from the liberal left have occurred for some time now, the Obama Administration's assault on religious liberty in America now seems to be on steroids. The latest example is an announcement from the Secretary of Health and Human Services, Kathleen Sebelius, on January 20th. Sebelius dictated that ALL private insurance plans must pay 100% of the cost of all FDA-approved birth control (including abortion-causing devices and drugs like the IUD, and 'morning-after' pills), along with surgical sterilization. This also applies to any health insurance provided by religious based employers like hospitals, colleges or universities, and other service organizations that help millions of people each year. While a clarification later exempted churches from this "law", are we so foolish to think that exemption will last? Since it is now illegal under Obamacare not to buy health insurance, and since insurers are forbidden from charging the users of these specific services a co-pay, EVERYONE who has health insurance will collectively bear the cost for practices that violate our religious beliefs. This is about so much more than government's claim of insuring that all women have free access to health care. And, it's about so much more than just a Catholic issue over contraception. This is an issue of the government violating the First Amendment of our United States Constitution and telling religious people they cannot practice their beliefs. IF the Obama Administration is allowed to force all employer's to not only pay for contraceptives, but abortion services through their health care plans, what else will the Obama Administration tell churches, religious organizations, and Christians they can/cannot do? Peggy Noonan from the Washington Post writes, "there was nothing for the President to gain (with this edict), except, perhaps, the pleasure of making a great church bow to him." And while the Administration has publicly said it is willing to work out the details of a compromise over the next year, this Administration's history demonstrates it's not going to budge in the next year. Archbishop Timothy Dolan of New York said: "In effect, the President is saying we have a year to figure out how to violate our consciences." In other words, the President is saying, "get over it!" Even if the Administration changes it's mind on this issue, they've already revealed their true intentions.
So, there is no confusion, the opening words to the First Amendment of the United States Constitution reads, "Congress shall make no law respecting an establishment of religion, or prohibiting the free exercise thereof; or abridging the freedom of speech…." To those who say the church has no business meddling in politics, it is clear from the writings of the authors (check out The Federalist Papers), of the Constitution, they were more concerned about keeping the government out of religion than they were keeping religion out of government.
In a letter dated January 26th, Archbishop Timothy P. Broglio stated, "We cannot - - we will not - - comply with this unjust law. People of faith cannot be made second-class citizens. Unless this rule is overturned," he writes, "we Catholics will be compelled to choose between violating our consciences or dropping health coverage for our employees (and then suffering the penalties for doing so)."
There reaches a point when free people must draw a line in the sand and say, "Enough is Enough!" Count me on the side of the Catholic Church and others who believe the Administration has once again ignored, stomped on, and marginalized our United States Constitution!