When Jesus healed a man who had been born blind; a man who had never seen a human face, green grass, blue skies, a star-filled night sky, a baby, a sunrise or sunset, one would have thought that everybody would have been elated with him and for him. But, the Pharisees did not believe in Jesus so they had to offer an explanation for this miracle that didn't include Jesus. They grilled both the man and his parents. They doubted whether the man had really ever been blind. They questioned how Jesus could possibly be from God since they said he was a sinner. They cursed the formerly blind man. They said evil things about his mother. And when they pressed him to tell them the truth, this man said, "all I know is that once I was blind, and now I can see" (John 9:25).
There are living, breathing, walking miracles all around us; addicts who have been set from their addictions, once unfaithful spouses who are now madly in love with only their husband or their wife, angry skeptics who are now committed Christians, convicted criminals who have completely changed, and many more. And the secular world that doesn't believe in Jesus must try to offer up an explanation for these miracles that doesn't include Jesus. But, they can't. These are people who would say with the blind man, "once I was blind (spiritually), but now I can see." They are people who have been given a brand new heart by Jesus Christ (II Corinthians 5:17), and who have been set free from their old ways of thinking by the truth of Jesus Christ (John 8:32). He is the One who called himself, "THE Way, THE Truth, and THE Life" (John 14:6). I believe him!
Welcome to my blog. I have found what real life is about in Jesus and it is my desire to disseminate truth through this blog that will help others find life in Jesus, as well. May the "words of my mouth and the meditation of my heart be pleasing in your sight, O Lord, my Rock and my Redeemer" (Psalm 19:14).